Improve Your Social Media Engagement with Logos and Visual Content

There are better ways to use logos & visual content to make your brand stand out and get more social media engagement. And it’s not as difficult as many businesses think.

Are you taking advantage of  when sharing your story and services on social media?
Images and logos used regularly is one way to garner awareness of your company brand. And visual content is great at engaging with your target audience, as it is a natural way of capturing and conveying messages.

As a medium sized business, using visual content to the best effect is quintessential in creating familiarity with who you are and what you sell. Below are ways you can create your company logo and orchestrate images to promote your business and what you sell.
First off are the basics of using logos and fonts.

Keep Consistent: Logo Dimensions and Font

Assign a particular size for your logo and keep it uniform.

Select a size for your logo and keep it consistent across all your social media visuals. It’s a balance between being big enough to be visible and not too large that it disrupts the overall balance of your social media posts.

Keep it noticeable but not overbearing

A rule to stick by is to have your logo in the bottom right corner. Your logo needs to be noticeable, but not conflicting with what you are showcasing. A good way to change around your logo is to position it on the left, centre and right.
Watermarks: It’s the same for watermarks. A key tip is to leave space around your watermark, to highlight the purposeful placing (don’t leave it too close to the edges of images).
Keeping logos in the general vicinity consistently, and purposefully will habitually draw the eye of viewers and make your brand recognisable.

Uniform Fonts Equal Familiarity

Choose between one to three fonts to use. These are what you would use in your body copy, subtitles and overlay texts. Incorporate your chosen texts throughout all your social media visuals.

Key Tip: Medium sized businesses without established brands, try using uppercase or script and handwritten fonts for your header (it can be the start of creating font recognition for your brand). Make sure your handwritten design is legible and easily resized to use again.

Key Example:  Just Do It

Nike’s bold font is known worldwide.

It’s recognisable because they stuck to being consistent with their font usage.

Fonts with Purpose

The rule is using three fonts. But it can be broken, when you want to convey a specific message to your audience.
A medium sized professional firm providing accounting services would have more text than others. A style that is authoritative (classic Time Roman) may be a good choice. But when they want to showcase their quirky culture, they may use fonts that are curvy and whimsical. It’s all about what emotion and story you wish to convey.
Colours are similar in that they are used consistently, and with purpose.

It’s all about your COLOUR

Earn to Own your Brand Colour

Don’t know what colours to use? Look at global brands. All the colours they use are visible in their logo, media posts, images and text.
Global brands didn’t invent the colour wheel. They earned these colours, by constantly painting their brand and social media posts with the same colours—they made it their own.

Colour Coded for Purpose

Choose colours that match what emotions you want to evoke, and what message you want to push across.
A legal firm of 20 could use the colour blue in their background and design of their social media posts. It symbolises trust, loyalty, and wisdom and is associated with depth and stability.

Tip for colour coding: Hex codes are six digit numbers that depict a specific colour on the colour wheel. Choose at least 2, tops four colours that match what image you want to project and keep the codes to make using them easier.
Images are important in setting the tone of your brand, and for selling your goods and services.

Images that Illustrate Your Brand

Visuals that Project What You Do

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What are you trying to sell?
  • If your brand was a living breathing person, what would it love to see and do?
  • What sorts of images would your audience best respond to?

Find answers to these questions in the form of images.
A firm providing financial advice would use images that project a carefree lifestyle. Their images would promote their financial advice that takes the burden of managing your money away, letting you enjoy a great lifestyle.
Consistency is important too, in that the overlying theme of your images need to lead back to what you want to say about your company. It establishes how you are viewed and perceived, and is important to your brand image.

Images Say it All

Images are awesome at bringing together purpose and meaning, all in one picture. It gets rid of the hassle of coming up with fonts and colours, and images can be used if you don’t want to use them for your brand.
The key question to ask is this: what beneficial experience do you want your service or product to give to your clients?
A business that sold sportswear would have pictures of people exercising and enjoying a healthy lifestyle. They are selling a lifestyle of health, not just workout clothes and accessories.

Final Tip: Make Quick Drafts, and then Improvise
Whether it be your logo or colour scheme, have multiple templates that you can reuse. Doing everything from scratch isn’t ideal. Create different sizes with different colours to suit various media platforms. Each template could be then tweaked again to satisfy the need of each social media post.
A picture can contain a thousand words. Make each image, and logo count and sell the experience you want to give to your clients.

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